
Fitness guru Jack LaLanne, 96, dies at Calif. home

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LOS ANGELES — Jack LaLanne, the fitness guru who inspired television viewers to trim down, eat well and pump iron for decades before diet and exercise became a national obsession, died Sunday. He was 96.

LaLanne died of respiratory failure due to pneumonia Sunday afternoon at his home in Morro Bay on California's central coast, his longtime agent Rick Hersh said.

LaLanne ate healthy and exercised every day of his life up until the end, Hersh said.

"I have not only lost my husband and a great American icon, but the best friend and most loving partner anyone could ever hope for," Elaine LaLanne, LaLanne's wife of 51 years and a frequent partner in his television appearances, said in a written statement.

He maintained a youthful physique and joked in 2006 that "I can't afford to die. It would wreck my image."

Former "Price is Right" host Bob Barker credited LaLanne's encouragement with helping him to start exercising often.

"He never lost enthusiasm for life and physical fitness," the 87-year-old Barker told The Associated Press on Sunday. "I saw him in about 2007 and he still looked remarkably good. He still looked like the same enthusiastic guy that he always was."

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Television staple
LaLanne (pronounced lah-LAYN') credited a sudden interest in fitness with transforming his life as a teen, and he worked tirelessly over the next eight decades to transform others' lives, too.

"The only way you can hurt the body is not use it," LaLanne said. "Inactivity is the killer and, remember, it's never too late."

Photoblog: LaLanne in 1953

His workout show was a television staple from the 1950s to the '70s. LaLanne and his dog Happy encouraged kids to wake their mothers and drag them in front of the television set. He developed exercises that used no special equipment, just a chair and a towel.

He also founded a chain of fitness studios that bore his name and in recent years touted the value of raw fruit and vegetables as he helped market a machine called Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer.

When he turned 43 in 1957, he performed more than 1,000 push-ups in 23 minutes on the "You Asked For It" television show. At 60, he swam from Alcatraz Island to Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco — handcuffed, shackled and towing a boat. Ten years later, he performed a similar feat in Long Beach harbor.

"I never think of my age, never," LaLanne said in 1990. "I could be 20 or 100. I never think about it, I'm just me. Look at Bob Hope, George Burns. They're more productive than they've ever been in their whole lives right now."

Praised by Schwarzenegger
Fellow bodybuilder and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger credited LaLanne with taking exercise out of the gymnasium and into living rooms.

"He laid the groundwork for others to have exercise programs, and now it has bloomed from that black and white program into a very colorful enterprise," Schwarzenegger said in 1990.

In 1936 in his native Oakland, LaLanne opened a health studio that included weight-training for women and athletes. Those were revolutionary notions at the time, because of the theory that weight training made an athlete slow and "muscle bound" and made a woman look masculine.

"You have to understand that it was absolutely forbidden in those days for athletes to use weights," he once said. "It just wasn't done. We had athletes who used to sneak into the studio to work out.

"It was the same with women. Back then, women weren't supposed to use weights. I guess I was a pioneer," LaLanne said.

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The son of poor French immigrants, he was born in 1914 and grew up to become a sugar addict, he said.

The turning point occurred one night when he heard a lecture by pioneering nutritionist Paul Bragg, who advocated the benefits of brown rice, whole wheat and a vegetarian diet.

"He got me so enthused," LaLanne said. "After the lecture I went to his dressing room and spent an hour and a half with him. He said, 'Jack, you're a walking garbage can.'"

Soon after, LaLanne constructed a makeshift gym in his back yard. "I had all these firemen and police working out there and I kind of used them as guinea pigs," he said.

He said his own daily routine usually consisted of two hours of weightlifting and an hour in the swimming pool.

"It's a lifestyle, it's something you do the rest of your life," LaLanne said. "How long are you going to keep breathing? How long do you keep eating? You just do it."

In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons, Dan and Jon, and a daughter, Yvonne.


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Sargent Shriver rappeler à Washington, DC, suite

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Image: Barack Obama's second year in office

    WASHINGTON - R. Sargent Shriver, le toujours optimiste Kennedy-frère qui a servi comme premier directeur Ameica Corps de la Paix et a conduit plus tard une agression national sur la pauvreté, a rappelé vendredi soir comme un idéaliste énergique qui a laissé un héritage de service public.
    «Sargent Shriver a été le plus aimable, plus gai, plus optimiste personne que j'ai connu en 50 ans de vie publique», a déclaré l'ancien sénateur du Dakota du Sud, George McGovern, le candidat démocrate à la présidentielle 1972, se référant à son colistier cette année. "Il est remarquable que ces vertus pourraient être combinés en une seule personne. Je ne me rappelle pas l'avoir vu dans les décharges. Il doit avoir eu des jours comme ça, mais personne ne les a jamais s'il le faisait."
    Des centaines rempli l'église catholique Holy Trinity à Washington pour présenter leurs hommages à une suite de Shriver, le beau-frère du président John Kennedy et le regretté Robert Sens et Edward Kennedy. Il est mort mardi dans un hôpital du Maryland à 95, huit ans après avoir annoncé qu'il avait la maladie d'Alzheimer.
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    AP caricatures politiques BLTWY: politiques nouvelles, des photos et les potins vice-président Joe Biden et l'ancien président Bill Clinton devaient s'exprimer lors d'une messe de funérailles, samedi, à Notre-Dame de la Miséricorde paroisse à Potomac, Maryland. La première dame Michelle Obama et Oprah Winfrey seront également présents
    Le vendredi, quelques-uns des personnages les plus importants de Washington ont défilé devant le cercueil et photos de la vie Shriver de condoléances aux membres de la famille dont sa fille, ex-journaliste de NBC Maria Shriver, son mari, gouverneur de Californie Arnold Schwarzenegger et Shriver quatre fils.
    Certains de ceux qui ont assisté à la suite avait rencontré Shriver par son travail et d'autres ne le connaissais que par sa réputation.
    «Il était le plus bel homme que je crois que j'ai jamais rencontré dans ma vie», a déclaré Gene Theroux, 72, de Loudoun County, Virginie, qui a travaillé à l'Office de promotion économique où Shriver a servi comme directeur dans les années 1960. "Il était plein d'énergie positive."
    Publicité | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoices "Il a un travail ingrat à la demande du Président Johnson pour exécuter le programme de la pauvreté», a déclaré Theroux. Et si de nombreux programmes ont été impopulaires, Shriver a réussi à rassembler les gens pour les sortir de la terre, dit-il.
    Le déluge de louanges pour Shriver et le soutien à sa famille depuis sa mort, le mardi est extraordinaire parce qu'il n'avait pas été aux yeux du public pendant des années, a déclaré Bill Moyers, journaliste et ancien assistant de Johnson qui a écrit la préface de la biographie Shriver et a travaillé avec lui au Corps de la Paix.
    «Je crois que c'est arrivé parce que ... il nous a donné l'autorisation dans les années 1960 à être idéalistes, dit-il. «Cette difficulté, ce pays déçus ... savait intuitivement quand le mot est venu de sa mort qu'il était l'Oklahoma d'être un idéaliste, il a été -. Comme un documentaire sur lui a dit - l'idéaliste américain."
    Le descendant d'une famille influente du Maryland, Shriver a également été rappelé dans éloges par la Chambre Steny Hoyer chef de la minorité du Maryland, l'ancien sénateur américain du Connecticut Chris Dodd, C. Payne Lucas, ancien président de l'aide au développement à but non lucratif Africare; Vanity Fair Maureen écrivain Orth, et Colman McCarthy, journaliste et ancien rédacteur de discours Shriver.
    Étaient également présents le sénateur John Kerry du Massachusetts, de la santé et de services à la personne secrétaire Kathleen Sebelius, co-fondateur d'AOL Steve Case, le musicien Wyclef Jean, la Maison Blanche, conseiller principal David Axelrod, et la chanteuse et actrice Vanessa Williams.
    Un homme d'affaires et avocat, Shriver aidé sa femme à la fin, fondateur des Jeux olympiques spéciaux Eunice Kennedy Shriver, fonctionnement de l'organisation qui permet aux personnes handicapées de participer à des activités sportives. Elle est décédée en 2009 à 88 ans. Le couple a eu 19 petits-enfants.
    Shriver sera inhumé samedi soir dans le même cimetière à Hyannis, Massachusetts, comme sa femme, selon le Révérend Daniel Lacroix W., pasteur à l'église St. Francis Xavier.
    Connu sous le nom «Sarge», Shriver ont aidé à satisfaire une de la campagne du président Kennedy promet de lancer le Corps de la Paix et a fini par construire une institution internationale. Plus tard, il a couru la guerre sur la pauvreté, part du président Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.
    Shriver était colistier McGovern lors de l'élection présidentielle 1972, mais les démocrates ont perdu dans un glissement de terrain au président Richard M. Nixon. En 1994, Shriver a reçu la Médaille présidentielle de la Liberté, la plus haute distinction civile du pays.

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Sargent Shriver remembered at Washington, D.C., wake

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Image: Barack Obama's second year in office

WASHINGTON - R. Sargent Shriver, der immer optimistisch Kennedy in-law, als erste Peace Corps Ameica Direktor gedient und später führte ein Angriff auf die nationale Armut, war Freitag Abend als energetische Idealist, ein Vermächtnis des öffentlichen Dienstes links erinnert.
"Sargent Shriver war der freundlichste, fröhlichste, optimistischen Person, die ich in 50 Jahren des öffentlichen Lebens kannte", sagte der ehemalige South Dakota Senator George McGovern, der 1972 demokratische Präsidentschaftskandidat, der auf seine laufenden mate in diesem Jahr. "Es ist bemerkenswert, dass diese Tugenden alle konnten in einer Person vereinigt werden. Ich glaube nicht, jemals wieder zu sehen, ihn niedergeschlagen. Er muss die Tage wie gehabt, aber niemand sah sie an, wenn er es tat."
Hunderte gefüllt Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit katholische Kirche in Washington, um ihren Respekt zu einem Zuge zu zahlen Shriver, der Bruder-in-law von Präsident John F. Kennedy und Robert Sens den späten und Edward Kennedy. Er starb Dienstag auf einer Maryland Krankenhaus bei 95, acht Jahre nach der Ankündigung, dass er die Alzheimer-Krankheit hatte.
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AP Politische Cartoons BLTWY: Politische Nachrichten, Fotos und Klatsch-Vizepräsident Joe Biden und Ex-Präsident Bill Clinton waren geplant, bei einer Totenmesse am Samstag um Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Potomac, Maryland sprechen. First Lady Michelle Obama und Oprah Winfrey wird auch an
Am Freitag, den einige der prominentesten Figuren Washington in der Vergangenheit den Sarg und Fotos aus dem Leben zu Shriver Beileid Familienmitglieder einschließlich seiner Tochter, der ehemalige NBC-Reporter Maria Shriver verlängern eingereicht, ihr Mann, Kalifornien Gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger und Shriver vier Söhne.
Einige von denen, die wachen besucht hatte Shriver durch seine Arbeit erfüllt und andere kannten ihn nur von seinem Ruf.
"Er war der beste Mann, den ich denke, die ich je in meinem Leben begegnet", sagte Gene Theroux, 72, von Loudoun County, Virginia, die im Büro des wirtschaftlichen Fortschritts, wo Shriver als Direktor diente in den 1960er Jahren gearbeitet. "Er war voller positiver Energie."
Werben | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoices "Er ist ein undankbarer Job an Präsident Johnson den Antrag auf die Armut Programm laufen hat", sagte Theroux. Und obwohl viele der Programme unpopulär waren, Shriver in der Lage, Menschen zusammen zu bringen, um diese aus dem Boden war, sagte er.
Die Ausgießung des Lobes für Shriver und Unterstützung für seine Familie da zu seinem Tod am Dienstag war außergewöhnlich, weil er nicht in der Öffentlichkeit seit Jahren, sagte Bill Moyers, ein Journalist und ehemaliger Berater Johnson, der das Vorwort zu einer Shriver Biografie schrieb und arbeitete mit ihm im Peace Corps.
"Ich glaube, es ist passiert, weil ... er uns die Erlaubnis gab, in den 1960er Jahren zu Idealisten werden", sagte er. "Dies beunruhigt, dieses Land enttäuscht ... wusste intuitiv, wenn das Wort von seinem Tod kam es, dass Oklahoma als Idealist war er -. Wie ein Dokumentarfilm über ihn gesagt - der amerikanische Idealist."
ehemaligen US-Senator Chris Dodd aus Connecticut;; C. Payne Lucas, ehemaliger Präsident der Entwicklungshilfe an gemeinnützige Africare; Vanity Fair Schriftsteller Maurice Der Nachkomme einer prominenten Familie Maryland wurde Shriver auch in Lobreden von House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer von Maryland erinnert Orth, und Colman McCarthy, ein Journalist und ehemaliger Redenschreiber Shriver.
Auch Besucher waren Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, AOL-Mitgründer Steve Case, Musiker Wyclef Jean, Weißes Haus Chefberater David Axelrod und Sängerin und Schauspielerin Vanessa Williams.
Ein Geschäftsmann und Anwalt half Shriver seiner verstorbenen Frau, Special Olympics Gründer Eunice Kennedy Shriver, laufen die Organisation, die behinderte Menschen im Sport teilnehmen können. Sie starb im Jahr 2009 im Alter von 88. Das Paar hatte 19 Enkelkinder.
Shriver beigesetzt späten Samstagabend in der gleichen Friedhof in Hyannis, Massachusetts, als seine Frau werden, je nach Rev. Daniel W. Lacroix, Pfarrer an der St. Francis Xavier Kirche.
Bekannt als "Sarge", Shriver geholfen erfüllen eines der Präsident Kennedys Kampagne verspricht, das Peace Corps Beginn und am Ende den Aufbau einer internationalen Institution. Später lief der Krieg gegen die Armut, ein Teil von Präsident Lyndon Johnsons "Great Society".
Shriver war McGovern's running mate in der 1972 Präsidentschaftswahlen, aber die Demokraten verloren in einem Erdrutschsieg von Präsident Richard M. Nixon. Im Jahr 1994 erhielt Shriver die Presidential Medal of Freedom, der Nation die höchste zivile Auszeichnung.


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Sargent Shriver remembered at Washington, D.C., wake

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WASHINGTON — R. Sargent Shriver, the ever-upbeat Kennedy in-law who served as Ameica's first Peace Corps director and later led a national assault on poverty, was remembered Friday evening as an energetic idealist who left a legacy of public service.

"Sargent Shriver was the kindest, most cheerful, most optimistic person I knew in 50 years of public life," said former South Dakota Sen. George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic presidential nominee, referring to his running mate that year. "It's remarkable that those virtues could all be combined in one person. I don't ever recall seeing him down in the dumps. He must have had days like that, but nobody ever saw them if he did."

Hundreds filled Holy Trinity Catholic church in Washington to pay their respects at a wake to Shriver, the brother-in-law of President John Kennedy and the late Sens. Robert and Edward Kennedy. He died Tuesday at a Maryland hospital at 95, eight years after announcing that he had Alzheimer's disease.

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Vice President Joe Biden and former President Bill Clinton were scheduled to speak at a funeral Mass on Saturday at Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Potomac, Maryland. First lady Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey will also attend

On Friday, some of Washington's most prominent figures filed past the casket and photos from Shriver's life to extend condolences to family members including his daughter, former NBC reporter Maria Shriver; her husband, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger; and Shriver's four sons.

Some of those who attended the wake had met Shriver through his work and others only knew him by his reputation.

"He was the finest man I think I ever met in my life," said Gene Theroux, 72, of Loudoun County, Virginia, who worked at the Office of Economic Advancement where Shriver served as director in the 1960s. "He was full of positive energy."

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"He took a thankless job at President Johnson's request to run the poverty program," Theroux said. And though many of the programs were unpopular, Shriver was able to bring people together to get them off the ground, he said.

The outpouring of praise for Shriver and support for his family since his death on Tuesday was extraordinary because he had not been in the public eye for years, said Bill Moyers, a journalist and former Johnson aide who wrote the foreword to a Shriver biography and worked with him at the Peace Corps.

"I believe it happened because...he gave us permission in the 1960s to be idealists," he said. "This distressed, this disillusioned country ... knew intuitively when the word came of his death that it was Oklahoma to be an idealist. He was — as a documentary about him said — the American idealist."

The descendant of a prominent Maryland family, Shriver was also remembered in eulogies by House Minority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland; former U.S. Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut; C. Payne Lucas, former president of development aid at nonprofit Africare; Vanity Fair writer Maureen Orth; and Colman McCarthy, a journalist and former Shriver speech writer.

Also attending were Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, AOL co-founder Steve Case, musician Wyclef Jean, White House senior adviser David Axelrod, and singer and actress Vanessa Williams.

A businessman and lawyer, Shriver helped his late wife, Special Olympics founder Eunice Kennedy Shriver, run the organization that allows disabled people to participate in sports. She died in 2009 at age 88. The couple had 19 grandchildren.

Shriver will be buried late Saturday in the same cemetery in Hyannis, Massachusetts, as his wife, according to Rev. Daniel W. Lacroix, pastor at St. Francis Xavier Church.

Known as "Sarge," Shriver helped fulfill one of President Kennedy's campaign promises to start the Peace Corps and ended up building an international institution. He later ran the War on Poverty, part of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

Shriver was McGovern's running mate in the 1972 presidential election, but the Democrats lost in a landslide to President Richard M. Nixon. In 1994, Shriver received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.

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WASHINGTON - Präsident Barack Obama ist eine Umstrukturierung seiner wirtschaftlichen Beirat der Schwerpunkt auf die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen statt, und er ist Namensgebung General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt als neuen Kopf.
Der neue Vorstand, forderte der Präsident des Rates über Beschäftigung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, wird der ehemalige Konjunkturprogramm Beirat, die unter Vorsitz des ehemaligen US-Notenbankchef Paul Volcker zu ersetzen.
Volcker hat gesagt, er war Ende seiner Amtszeit auf der Platte, wenn sein Mandat läuft am 6. Februar ..
Die Veränderung Signale Obamas Absicht, Politik, entworfen, um die Wirtschaft nach der 2008 Finanzkrise zu stabilisieren eine erneute Konzentration auf die Erhöhung der Beschäftigung, eine ärgerliche Aufgabe, dass seine Aussichten auf eine Wiederwahl beeinflussen konnten, wurden zu verlagern. Das Weiße Haus, sagt der Vorstand der Mission wird es sein, Ideen zu generieren aus dem privaten Sektor zu beschleunigen das Wirtschaftswachstum und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit fördern American.
Der Beirat hat vergangene Regierungsbeamte und Vertreter von Arbeits-und Unternehmenswelt enthalten. Volcker hat eine regelmäßige Weißen Haus Berater gewesen, obwohl der Vorstand selbst hat selten mit dem Präsidenten traf.
"Seit meiner Kampagne für das Präsidentenamt, ich Paul Volcker Anwalt berufen haben, da wir von der schlimmsten Wirtschaftskrise seit der Großen Depression zu erholen gearbeitet", sagte Obama in einer Erklärung späten Donnerstag. "Paul Volcker ist nicht nur einer der klügsten Köpfe wirtschaftlichen unseres Landes, er ist eine Person, die seit Jahrzehnten für die Politik, dass die amerikanischen Familien zu helfen und stärken unsere Wirtschaft gekämpft hat."
"Ich habe seine Freundschaft und Geschick über die Jahre geschätzt, und ich werde auf seinen Rat in den kommenden Jahren verlassen", sagte Obama.
Werben | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesImmelt in einer Stellungnahme Spalte in Friday's "Washington Post", sagte er freute sich "zu den führenden der nächsten Phase dieser Bemühungen, wie wir den Übergang von einer Rückforderung auf langfristiges Wachstum."
"Business-Politiker sollten Erfahrung in Service unseres Landes bieten. Mein Vorgänger bei GE so getan, als habe Führer viele andere große US-Unternehmen", schrieb Immelt. "Es gibt immer eine gesunde Spannung zwischen dem öffentlichen und dem privaten Sektor. Doch wir alle teilen die Verantwortung, die nationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit fahren, vor allem während eines wirtschaftlichen Unruhen. Dies ist einer dieser Momente."
Immelt fügte hinzu: "Meine Hoffnung ist, dass der Rat einen Resonanzboden für Ideen und als Katalysator für Maßnahmen auf Beschäftigung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit sein."
Immelt wurde Obama in Schenectady, NY, Freitag beitreten für eine Wirtschaft im Zusammenhang mit Besuch einer General Electric-Anlage, wo der Präsident Schaufenster Politik, haben die multinationalen Mischkonzern unterstützt. GE ist ein diversifiziertes Technologie-, Medien-und Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen.
Immelt, ein Mitglied der wirtschaftlichen Erholung Advisory Panel, kündigt der rekonstituierten Bord in einem Gastbeitrag Freitag in der Washington Post.
Seine Ernennung ist ein weiterer Corporate Insider im Weißen Haus Umlaufbahn, unterstreicht das Weiße Haus die Bemühungen zu einer stärkeren Bindung an die Wirtschaft zu bauen. Anfang dieses Monats namens Obama ehemaligen Handelsminister und JPMorgan Chase Executive William Daley als Stabschef.
Immelt hat einen Verbündeten im Weißen Haus seit dem Beginn von Obamas Präsidentschaft gewesen, obwohl seine politischen Beiträge zu parteiübergreifenden neigen und er finanziell unterstützt Hillary Rodham Clinton und Republikaner John McCain, Rudy Giuliani und Mitt Romney bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2008.
General Electric Mitarbeiter und deren Ehepartner, jedoch unterstützt Obama vor allen anderen Präsidentschaftskandidaten.

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 MDRV6 MDR-V6 MDR-7506 


ワシントン - バラクオバマ大統領は雇用創出に重点を置いて彼の経済諮問委員会を再構築され、彼は新しいヘッドとしてゼネラルエレクトリックCEOのJeffreyイメルトの命名です。
"我々は大恐慌以来最悪の経済危機から回復するための作業中に大統領のキャンペーン以来、私はポールボルカーの弁護人に頼ってきた、"オバマ氏は木曜日遅くに声明で述べている。 "ポールボルカーは、私たちの国で最も賢明な経済の心のいずれでもない、彼はアメリカの家庭を助け、我々の経済を強化する方針のために戦って何十年も持っている個人です。"
広告掲載について| AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesImmeltは、金曜日のワシントンポスト紙のオピニオン欄に、彼は楽しみにしていたという"長期的な成長の回復から我々の遷移としては、この努力の次の段階をリードしてください。"
"GEで僕の先輩たちは、そうしている。ビジネスリーダーは、他の多くの偉大なアメリカ企業のリーダーを持って、私たちの国のサービスの専門知識を提供する必要があります"イメルト氏は書いている。 "公共部門と民間部門の健全な緊張関係が常に存在します。しかし、私たち全員が共有する経済不安、特に中に国家競争力を駆動するために責任を負いません。これは当時のものです。"
イメルト大統領がショーケースポリシー多国籍コングロマリットを助けたがありますゼネラルエレクトリックプラントに経済関連の訪問のためスケネクタディ、ニューヨーク、金曜日にオバマに参加することでした。 GEは、多様な技術、メディア、金融サービス会社です。

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Immelt GE à nouveau chef de la Maison Blanche emplois panneau

 MDRV6 MDR-V6 MDR-7506 


WASHINGTON - Le président Barack Obama est la restructuration de son conseil consultatif économique à mettre l'accent sur la création d'emplois, et il est nommant PDG de General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt comme son nouveau chef.
Le nouveau conseil d'administration, appelé le Conseil présidentiel sur l'emploi et la compétitivité, va remplacer l'ancien Conseil consultatif de relance économique qui avait été présidé par l'ancien président de la Réserve fédérale Paul Volcker.
Volcker a dit qu'il mettait un terme de son mandat sur le panneau lorsque son mandat expire le 6 février ..
Le changement signale l'intention de M. Obama de passer de politiques qui ont été conçus pour stabiliser l'économie après la crise financière de 2008 à un accent renouvelé sur la hausse de l'emploi, une tâche épineuse qui pourrait affecter ses perspectives de réélection. La Maison Blanche a dit la mission du conseil sera d'aider à générer des idées du secteur privé pour accélérer la croissance économique et promouvoir la compétitivité de l'Amérique.
Le conseil consultatif a inclus des représentants du gouvernement passé et des représentants des syndicats et le monde de l'entreprise. Volcker a été régulièrement la Maison Blanche le conseiller, si le conseil lui-même a rencontré souvent avec le président.
"Depuis ma campagne pour le président, je me suis appuyé sur les conseils de Paul Volcker comme nous avons travaillé pour se remettre de la pire crise économique depuis la Grande Dépression, a dit M. Obama dans un communiqué jeudi soir. "Paul Volcker n'est pas seulement l'un des esprits les plus sages économiques dans notre pays, il est une personne qui a pendant des décennies se sont battus pour des politiques qui aident les familles américaines et de renforcer notre économie."
«J'ai apprécié son amitié et de compétences au fil des ans, et je me fierai à son avocat pour les années à venir», a dit M. Obama.
Publicité | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesAdvertise | AdChoicesImmelt, dans une tribune au Washington Post de vendredi, a déclaré qu'il attendait avec impatience "pour mener la nouvelle phase de cet effort que nous passons de la reprise de la croissance à long terme."
"Les dirigeants d'entreprises devraient mettre leur expertise au service de notre pays. Mes prédécesseurs au sein de GE ont fait, comme l'ont fait les dirigeants de plusieurs autres grandes entreprises américaines," a écrit Immelt. "Il ya toujours une saine tension entre les secteurs public et privé. Cependant, nous partageons tous la responsabilité de conduire la compétitivité nationale, en particulier lors de troubles économiques. C'est un de ces moments."
Immelt a ajouté: «Mon espoir est que le conseil sera une caisse de résonance pour les idées et un catalyseur pour l'action sur l'emploi et la compétitivité."
Immelt a été pour rejoindre Obama à Schenectady, New York, le vendredi pour une visite économie liée à une usine de General Electric, où le président sera politiques vitrine qui ont aidé le conglomérat multinational. GE est une société diversifiée de technologie, médias et société de services financiers.
Immelt, un membre du comité consultatif de relance économique, annonce le conseil reconstitué dans un article d'opinion vendredi dans le Washington Post.
Sa nomination ajoute une autre entreprise d'initié à l'orbite de la Maison Blanche, soulignant les efforts de la Maison Blanche pour renforcer les liens avec la communauté d'affaires. Plus tôt ce mois-ci, Obama nommé secrétaire du commerce et de l'ancien exécutif JPMorgan Chase, William Daley, en tant que chef du personnel.
Immelt a été un allié de la Maison Blanche depuis le début de la présidence Obama, même si ses contributions politiques ont tendance à être bipartite et il soutenu financièrement Hillary Rodham Clinton et les républicains John McCain, Rudy Giuliani et Mitt Romney lors de l'élection présidentielle de 2008.
General Electric employés et leurs conjoints, cependant, a soutenu Obama sur tout autre candidat présidentiel.

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GE's Immelt to head new White House jobs panel

 MDRV6 MDR-V6 MDR-7506 


WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is restructuring his economic advisory board to place an emphasis on job creation, and he is naming General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt as its new head.

The new board, called the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, will replace the former Economic Recovery Advisory Board that had been chaired by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.

Volcker has said he was ending his tenure on the panel when its mandate expires on Feb. 6..

The change signals Obama's intention to shift from policies that were designed to stabilize the economy after the 2008 financial meltdown to a renewed focus on increasing employment, a vexing task that could affect his re-election prospects. The White House says the board's mission will be to help generate ideas from the private sector to speed up economic growth and promote American competitiveness.

The advisory board has included past government officials and representatives from labor and the corporate world. Volcker has been a regular White House adviser, though the board itself has met infrequently with the president.

"Since my campaign for president, I have relied on Paul Volcker's counsel as we worked to recover from the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression," Obama said in a statement late Thursday. "Paul Volcker is not only one of the wisest economic minds in our country, he's an individual who has for decades fought for policies that help American families and strengthen our economy."

"I have valued his friendship and skill over the years, and I will rely on his counsel for years to come," Obama said.

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Immelt, in an opinion column in Friday's Washington Post, said he looked forward "to leading the next phase of this effort as we transition from recovery to long-term growth."

"Business leaders should provide expertise in service of our country. My predecessors at GE have done so, as have leaders of many other great American companies," Immelt wrote. "There is always a healthy tension between the public and private sectors. However, we all share a responsibility to drive national competitiveness, particularly during economic unrest. This is one of those times."

Immelt added: "My hope is that the council will be a sounding board for ideas and a catalyst for action on jobs and competitiveness."

Immelt was to join Obama in Schenectady, N.Y., Friday for an economy-related visit to a General Electric plant, where the president will showcase policies that have aided the multinational conglomerate. GE is a diversified technology, media and financial services company.

Immelt, a member of the economic recovery advisory panel, is announcing the reconstituted board in an opinion piece Friday in The Washington Post.

His appointment adds another corporate insider to the White House orbit, underscoring the White House's efforts to build stronger ties to the business community. Earlier this month, Obama named former commerce secretary and JPMorgan Chase executive William Daley as chief of staff.

Immelt has been a White House ally since the start of Obama's presidency, though his political contributions tend to be bipartisan and he financially supported Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republicans John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney during the 2008 presidential elections.

General Electric employees and their spouses, however, supported Obama over any other presidential candidate.

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Will Obama mention gun control in his State of the Union?

 MDRV6 MDR-V6 MDR-7506 


By Michael Isikoff
NBC News National Investigative Correspondent

Now that Dick Cheney has opened the door to tighter gun restrictions, will President Barack Obama do the same?

That politically dicey question is playing out behind the scenes in the run-up to next week’s State of the Union. In the aftermath of the Tucson shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and federal Judge John Roll, gun control groups and some Democratic members of Congress are pushing to get the president to directly address the issue of gun violence in his speech to Congress next Tuesday, according to gun control advocates and congressional aides, who asked for anonymity.

Some Democratic party donors are also being urged to weigh in as part of a quiet lobbying effort to prod the president to finally speak out on an issue that he has studiously avoided since taking office, the advocates say.

“There’s a major push to get [Obama] to say something on this,” said Chad Ramsey, legislative director of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, a leading gun control group. “We’ve been told he will say something, but we’re not sure how strong it will be.”

There have been a number of different gun control ideas put forward since the Jan. 8 Tucson shooting. But gun control groups most of all want Obama’s endorsement of the bill introduced this week by Democratic Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of New York (with more than 40 co-sponsors so far). That bill would ban the sale or transfer of high-capacity gun magazines such as the one allegedly used by Jared L. Loughner to fire off more than 30 rounds. So far, the proposal (and a companion bill to be introduced next week by Democratic Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey) has yet to pick up a single Republican co-sponsor.

But backers were buoyed Wednesday when former vice president Dick Cheney, long a stalwart supporter of gun rights, appeared open to the idea, telling NBC’s Jamie Gangel in an interview, “maybe it's appropriate to re-establish that kind of thing.” (See the video of Cheney below.)

A White House official said that aides won't publicly comment on what Obama might or might not say in the Jan. 25 State of the Union. Asked specifically about the McCarthy-Lautenberg proposal to ban high-capacity magazines, Reid Cherlin, a White House press spokesman, said in an e-mail: “A number of proposals have been put forward in the days since these tragic shootings, and we’re going to be taking a close look at all of them.”

As a sign of just how tough a fight this issue would be, the National Rifle Association on Wednesday sent a letter to members of Congress criticizing "anti-gun activists" for pushing several "schemes" after Tucson. Referring specifically to the McCarthy-Lautenberg proposal to ban clips of more than 10 rounds, Chris Cox, the group's chief lobbyist, wrote: "These magazines are standard equipment for self-defense handguns and other firearms owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding private citizens choose them for many reasons, including the same reason police officers do: to improve their odds in defensive situations." (The NRA did not respond to a request to comment on Cheney's remarks to NBC.)




Until now, the entire subject of guns has been anathema at the White House. Obama during his 2008 campaign had pledged to push to reinstate the ban on semi-automatic assault weapons. The ban, which was enacted under President Clinton in 1994 and which lapsed under President Bush 10 years later, had included a provision that prohibited the manufacture of high-capacity detachable magazines.

But White House officials pretty much dropped the issue after Obama took office, going so far as to remove the campaign pledge from the White House website. Obama, who stopped talking about guns entirely, also waited nearly two years before nominating a director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, fearing that any candidate it sent up to the Senate would incur the wrath of the formidable National Rifle Association, according to administration sources. (Sure enough, its nominee, Andrew Traver, the ATF special agent in charge in Chicago, is the target of an NRA lobbying campaign. It remains far from clear he will ever get confirmed.)

Still, advocates say that the Tucson shooting was such a searing national tragedy that it may now be impossible for Obama to duck the subject. According to gun control groups, and some law enforcement officials, a ban on high-capacity magazines is the one specific proposal that might have made a difference in Tucson, at least in lowering the body count of six killed and 13 wounded. Because of the high-capacity magazine he had attached to his Glock 19 semi-automatic, Loughner was able to get off 31 or 32 shots before he had to reload. It was only when he did so that he was wrestled to the ground.

One prong of the gun control lobbying campaign is to try to line up law enforcement backing for the McCarthy proposal, starting with the Justice Department. Thanks to the intervention of a plugged-in donor, the group has secured a meeting on Jan. 25 with Attorney General Eric Holder — the same day as the State of the Union. (Holder is on record as supporting the assault weapons ban, but like other administration officials rarely talks about it anymore. ) The groups are also hoping that McCarthy may yet have some pull with her former chief of staff, Jim Messina, now the deputy White House chief of staff and one of Obama’s most influential aides. A McCarthy spokesman said that the congresswoman has been attempting to raise the subject of the magazine ban with Messina, but said he didn’t believe the two had spoken yet.)

But skeptics wonder how far the Messina connection will get the gun control advocates. One former senior law enforcement official who follows the gun issue closely, and who asked for anonymity, noted that after Messina worked for McCarthy he served as chief of staff to Democratic Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, a strong gun rights advocate. And Messina at times has served as a White House conduit to the NRA, the former official said.

In any case, this former official predicted that, for all the outside pressure it has been getting, the White House in the end will avoid the subject, concluding it's simply not worth taking on the NRA and that it's likely to lose in the end. “As a matter of political strategy, it would be as bad for him take this on as health care was,” said this former official. “It would become a distraction from everything else.”

Former Vice President Dick Cheney talks with NBC's Jamie Gangel about gun control and why it may be time to re-establish magazine size limits, in the aftermath of the Tucson shootings.


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